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Planning Board Minutes 04/09/07
Planning Board Minutes
April 9, 2007
4:30 p.m.
Town Hall

Present:  Chairman Rich Osnoss, Billy Meegan, John Flender, Janet Weidner,
Russell Walton, Mitchell Posin, Tim Lasker, Lisa Specht (Administrative                   Assistant) and Christina Soulagnet (Administrative Assistant in Training)
Absent:    None
Guests:    Blair Emin, Keith Emin, and Jonathan Mayhew

Chairman Rich Osnoss opened the meeting at 4:30 p.m.

Minutes:  The Minutes of March 26, 2007 were approved as amended.

Middle Line Road Community Housing Form B Subdivision
Rich Osnoss read aloud Blair Emin's letter to the MVC dated March 30, 2007.  All Planning Board members had a copy for reference.  Blair Emin voiced his concern that the Middle Line Road Subdivision entrance crosses his and his brother's property.  He added he would prefer the road go around his property.  He also was concerned about the placement of septic systems in relation to his property.  

The members noted that the MVC was concerned about the egress onto Tabor House Road and has assigned someone from their staff to do a traffic study.  Once complete, the projections will be forwarded to the Planning Board.

Billy Meegan explained the history of Middle Line Road Community Housing Program.  

Jonathan Mayhew commented that his mother's property goes to the middle of the Middle Line Road and he was concerned about a stone wall on her property.  He stated he would like this wall preserved and undisturbed.  He was also concerned about his mother's land abutting the right of way (765') and the possibility of the Town taking that land by eminent domain.  

The Planning Board expressed a concern for the need to determine the location of the 40' right of way.   A question was asked if the Town could use the Cossutta property for the right of way?  Planning Board reviewed Map 13 Lot #41 and discussed the 40' right of way in relation to the property lines and stone wall.  Janet Weidner requested that the board plan a site meeting to view the road.  The meeting was scheduled for Sunday,
April 22, 2007 at 1:30 p.m.

PB Meeting Minutes                              -  2  -                                    April 9, 2007

The following is an outline of the issues and concerns regarding the Middle Line Road Community Housing Subdivision.  
        1.  The Access Road - From Tabor House Road to development
        2.  Right of Way  -  Stone wall on the Mayhew property to be undisturbed.
3.  Is it legal to use Cossutta owned land (48.4 acres of conservation) as part of
the Middle Line Road Project?  Could Cossutta use this property in the future?
4.  Nitrogen system.    Need to research alternative septic systems.
5.  Review set backs.  Would like to see discussions on screening of homes.
6.  No Cut issue along Holman Road

Planning Board requested to see a map illustrating the full acreage of plan; 21.4 acre lot   (Map 13, Parcel 43) plus the 48.4 acre lot (Map 13, Parcel 24).  

Rich Osnoss read the memo from the Board of Health.  It stated the Board of Health accepted the engineer's representation of the soils and that septic systems and wells need to be presented in their actual locations for final approval.

The Planning Board thanked the public for their concerns and for attending the meeting.  
They emphasized how important it was for the public to get involved and encouraged their attendance at the Public Hearing on Monday, April 30, 2007.

Bigelow Beach Lots
It was determined that the deed may contain information needed to give permission to subdivide.  The Planning Board asked Christina to contact Doug Hoehn and request a copy of the Deed.  The Planning Board has agreed not to seek Town Counsel at this time; they need more information.  Planning Board asked Christina to find out from Meg Orlando if a Form A was filed.  

Regulation Chapter 44s53G
Rich Osnoss read the cover memo from Tim Carroll outlining the regulations.  The Planning Board discussed the regulations.  It was moved, seconded and voted to ask Tim Carroll to attend a Planning Board meeting.   The Planning Board asked Christina to contact Tim Carroll.

Public Hearing
The ad for the Middle Line Community Housing Program Form B Subdivision Public Hearing will appear in both newspapers and run for two consecutive weeks.  It will appear in the MV Times on 4/12 and 4/19 and in the Gazette on 4/13 and 4/20.

PB Meeting Minutes                                -  3  -                                      April 9, 2007

Allen Flanders
The Planning Board was given a letter addressed to Meg Orlando from Allen Flanders.  Mr. Flanders is requesting to change one of the house numbers for his two buildings.  As it stands now, it is 23 and 23R Flanders Lane.  He is requesting it be 23 Flanders Lane and 4 Cove Road.  The board discussed it and approved the address change with the condition that all costs/fees incurred be paid by Allen Flanders.  Lisa/Christina will forward to Meg for handling.

Chesapeake Realty Trust, John T. Elmes, II, Trustee
The Certificate of Approval had a name correction required to match the description on the Plan.  This needed to be signed by all board members.  The Planning Board approved the correction.  A motion was made to approve and sign the letter.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  All board members signed the letter.

There was no other business.  Meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Christina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant

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